It is important to advertise your business year around. It keeps your name out there. And you never know when you will have a spot to fill. If you hang flyers on cars or homes then it's something you should do often.
When you have openings do it weekly until the spots are filled. Target a different area each week. If you anticipate a opening start hanging the flyers early so you can start getting those calls. Remember when you run a business advertising is a key element of getting customers, and you have to be tenacious in your advertising for your business. Good luck
Note: Most states require that you place your license facility number on any and all forms of advertising. Be sure to follow the laws of your State closely when advertising your child care. Remember: Your very first interview, and your first impression is done on the phone. Always answer professionally. Take time to talk to the parent. If you do not have time, be courteous and ask for a phone number so you can call them that evening. Then return the call as promised. Do not rely on the phone answering machine for your calls. Most parents will not leave a message but move on down their call list to the next provider. Answering your phone is an essential part of your business. (avoid answering the phone if the kids are screaming or crying in the background) Visit our web site. There are articles worth reading, and a phone interview script to use: FLYERS:
How you market your center may make the difference between its success or failure. Marketing plays an integral role in the start-up and daily operations of any business, and your center is no exception. Like any other business, a family day care home has a product/service that consumers want and are willing to purchase. Therefore, you will have to sell your product/service (the center) to consumers (parents) who want care for their children. Your marketing plan can help you achieve this goal.
Know Your Customers
Even though the needs assessment indicates that your center is needed, don't expect full enrollment on opening day. It may take from one month to a year to achieve that goal, and how you advertise can make the difference. Knowing your customer is the key to successfully marketing your center. The more you know about the parents' expectations, the easier it will be to develop a program that meets their needs, as well as the children's. The data collected in the needs assessment will help you do this.
Devise a list of questions that will help you identify what the parents will likely need, want and expect of your center. Use the data collected in the needs assessment and the survey questionnaire to help answer these questions. The questions may include:
Developing a Marketing Program
Many first-time business owners think that by simply placing an ad in the local newspaper or a commercial on a local radio or television station customers will automatically flock to purchase their product or service. This is true to a certain extent. Some people are likely to learn about your product/service and try it, just out of curiosity. But hundreds even thousands of other possible customers may never learn of your business. Just think of the money you'll lose, simply because you didn't develop an adequate marketing program!
Remember, the key to success is knowing your customers' needs, arousing them to the point of consumption and providing products or services to fulfill those needs.
Marketing is an essential part of business. It oftentimes determines how successful your business will be. So take the time to plan the best strategy to promote your center. There are certain factors, however, you should consider when developing your marketing strategy. They will aid you in formulating a successful promotion plan. These factors are called the 5 P's of marketing:
Each requires an investment in dollars, time and effort--but the reward will be worth it. Devise a plan that uses advertising and networking (word-of-mouth) as a means to promote your center. Develop short, descriptive copy (text material as in an advertisement) that clearly identifies the services (your center), its location and price. Use catchy phrases to arouse the interest of your readers, listeners or viewers. Remember, the more care and attention you devote to your marketing program, the more successful your center will be.
How to Market Your Center
No matter what advertising media you use, you will have to spend money, so allow for advertising expenses in your budget. There are many ways to advertise your center, but keep in mind that advertising can be very costly, depending on the medium used. Newspaper ads, radio and television commercials are the most expensive ways to advertise your center. If you can afford to advertise using one of these media, talk to an advertising agency before making a final decision. Since advertising is an investment in your business' future, it's important to find out as much as you can before making a decision. Once you've decided on the medium, get the agency to help you design your ad or create a commercial.
Start advertising your center at least three (3) months before you open for business. And make sure your advertisements are consistent with the image you are trying to project. Whatever advertising media you use, be sure to include the following information:
Once parents begin to respond, you will need to make appointments with them to discuss enrolling their children at the center. At that time, in addition to the enrollment form, you will need policies that address:
It may be a good idea to develop a Childcare Contract that addresses and explains the policies of your center. If you have a contract and parents are willing to enroll their children in your center, have them sign the contract and provide them with a copy. That way if any problems or emergencies arise, the parents know up front, what your policies are. There are many publications available with sample contracts.
Remember, when you have a good product, "It Pays to Advertise."
Know the Competition
A cardinal rule of effective marketing is to know the competition. Assessing the competition and finding a way to beat the competition is the key to success. Many entrepreneurs mistakenly believe that their competition consists solely of firms that offer similar services or products in the same geographical area. However, competition may actually include indirect competitors who are vying for the same clients. Your estimate of competitors should include all those who offer related services. They may be in the same geographical area or in any other area that is accessible to your clients. To determine the competitiveness of your market, you need to find out:
Sources of Marketing Information
There are several sources available for obtaining market information. They include:
Market Research Consultants and Advertising Firms
Market research consultants are professionals who complete market survey reports. They can also help you develop a marketing plan. Most advertising firms also have a market research department that can help you develop survey questionnaires and analyze and interpret the data. The drawback to using a professional consulting and advertising firm is the cost. Try to locate a consultant or advertiser who will analyze and interpret the data and help you develop a marketing plan for a nominal fee.
Colleges and Universities
Business schools in local colleges and universities often have professionals and student groups that offer consulting services. They can help you with both the market survey and the marketing plan as well as other problem areas. Student services, however, may only be available during the academic year. It is important that you approach these services with well defined needs and be prepared to actively participate as the project progresses. Contact local colleges/universities for additional information. Many colleges and universities are involved with an SBA affiliated program, the Small Business Institutes (SBI). SBIs provide many services that include market analysis. If you need help analyzing the market and interpreting the data, contact the local SBA office for the location of the SBI program nearest you and for information on the SBI programs.
Conduct Your Own Research
You may choose to conduct your own market analysis. Most market research is time consuming, and the techniques can sometimes be quite sophisticated. If you do not have the time, or the skill, you can still conduct simple research that can yield a tremendous amount of information. This technique is called "focused group interviews."
First, you need to make some logical guesses about your market. Then you assemble a small group of acquaintances, friends or relatives who resemble your typical potential client. Try to get a good mixture of participants that represent a good cross section of the client group you are hoping to service. Describe your center and the type of service you plan to provide. Ask for feedback. Use the information to determine if your idea is feasible and if your center will be accepted. A marketing or advertising specialist will help you accomplish this.
Other Sources
Your local library is usually a gold mine of information. Many publications such as government reports contain valuable up-to-date information. If you have any questions, the reference librarian is trained to find the information. Do not hesitate to ask for help.
Best Practices for Child Care Business Marketing
For more ideas and help preparing your Marketing Plan go to your local Child Care Resource & Referral or Small Business Development Center.