Phone Interviews

Telephone etiquette


The very first impression you make with a parent is the first phone call you receive from the parent.  How you answer the phone, how you talk to them on the phone sets up this impression.  So be professional at all times even if your full, always be professional on the phone.  This is also your first impression of the family calling you as well. 

Texting is okay initially,  but before you meet this parent in  person insist on a direct phone call so you can hear their voice,  get a sense of their personality, hear the back ground noise,  and how they talk to their kids while on the phone,  and how the kids are acting in the back ground.  Then talk to them a bit more to get as much information as you can before the in person interview.  Listen for the red flags. 


Phone Calls are your first steps into interviewing a prospective client.  This also gives you the opportunity to be more selective before setting  up a in person interview.



(make copies and keep near phone to fill out when you do phone interviews)


Date: __________      Referred by:________

Name:  __________   Phone #:_________

Full Time  _  Part Time _      Days needed:
  M   T   W   Th   F 

Hours needed:_______

Looking to start care by:  ____________

Children's ages:  __ M  or  F     __ M  or  F  __  M  or  F

Have they been daycare before?  

Yes    or    No

   If yes, Reason for leaving previous provider:______

   Previous provider:  _____________


What are your Day Care needs: __________________________

What are your Day Care expectations:  __________________________

What duration of care do you need:   Long Term    Temporary


Does your child(ren) have any special needs, such as medical or dietary:  Yes    or    No

    Please explain:  __________________________


Do I want to meet this family:    Yes    or    No

Do they want a personal interview:    Yes    or    No

Interview Date:_______

Time:  __________

Be sure they have directions to your home.




These same points can be on the phone or in person.


Parents get just as nervous up as we do sometimes.  Most the time you will find yourself giving the information to the parent before they ask for it. As a provider here are some key things to do:
 Be relaxed and be confidant,
when there is hesitation in the voice of the parent continue feeding them information:
(have a paper and pen to jot down notes.)
Tell them right away
-Your Hours of service
-days you are open
-Registration fee or deposits that you require (give fees as last thing)
-if you have a meal program
-if you have a preschool program, Be sure to detail out your program.
-License for how many?
-Be prepared to give parents your license number,
-and references even over the phone
-how long you have been in day care.
(Save giving them your fees till last. Try to avoid fees and encourage the parent to come visit you. However if they insist on the fees then give that to them last.)
Questions to ask the parents:
-Age of child
-how many kids,
-full or part time
-Has the child had previous day care experience?
-If so Where at?
-Reason for leaving that day care?
-Any thing special you need to know about the child
i.e. health, medications, ADHD, Disabilities,
-Single parent or married parent
(it's nice to know, because obviously a two parent household can pay the fees easier, and arrive on time to pick up easier.
A single mom might need to let you know some issues with her
If a single mom, find out if they are on a subsidy program of any kind, or paying on their own.
-Find out if there are any issues regarding the father of the child. 

-Does he participate and pick up as well, or any restraining orders you need to be aware of.
-Talk about the child or children openly with her, as they relax they will release more clues on their child and behavior, and home life.
- Beware of warning signs, in what she tells you.
-Listen to the background noise and what her child is doing and how she responds to the child. You can pick up a lot of behavior indicators by listening carefully.
If you are interested. Set up an interview.

 When setting up your interview, 
-Set up an interview as soon as possible. The longer you wait the more chances this parent will find day care elsewhere before she can come visit with you.
-If it's a parent you are hesitant about then set up a much later appointment.
- This gives you an out. Especially if a parent is needing to find day care ASAP. This will hopefully give you an out.
-Never let a parent know they are the only interview.
- It's best to let them think you have other interviews before them. This allows you an out later if this interview turns out to be something you don't want you can easily call up later and tell her a previous interview has signed up and given a deposit.


This is important to save a spot for a parent.  Let them know there are deposits.  A interested parent will put a deposit down.  They are less likely not be a no show later after you've saved the spot a couple of weeks.  

Make it a NON-REFUNDABLE deposit.  This also helps weed out undesirable parents as well.  
-Get references from the mom,
 Name and number of previous provider.  Hopefully she will share this information.  If it's a provider you know personally you might get more information on why the child left.
- Keep the conversation flowing.
-Don't give the parent to much time to think about it. If you are interested in this parent then keep her relaxed talking to you and set up that appointment.

- You are selling your services, so be a salesperson.  

 The Interview:
-When they come to visit, it is nice to have a brochure or flyer ready to give them on your business:
-It will tell the parent something about
You the provider,
-about your Program
-References, fees, registration fee, hours and etc. Logo, address, phone number
 your flyer or brochure will remind that parent of your day care. Make it bright and cheerful.



Once they give you a deposit or registration fee then release the enrollment packet. If you have extra things like a parent hand book that is separate from the enrollment packet then wait to give that to them after they start.  The enrollment packet should be first.  (after deposit, or other fees are paid)

Be just as prepared to answer these questions if they are asking you instead of you just feeding them the information.  
Good luck and success.  

Final note from Pat:
I hope this information helps you with your phone interviews with parents, and parent questions.  Use the girl scout motto.
"always be prepared
and remember the more professional you conduct your daycare, your interviews, and how you handle the business end of the day care the better the parents will treat you.  
To be treated as the professional you are you must conduct yourself as a professional.